to Cassandra June. 27. 2005:
to the Nguyen Family's 2005 Valedictorian of Maryvale PS. In
september, this graduate will be going to Wexford CI. Way to
go, Cassandra! 
@Wow...The new car June 25. 2005: That's MyLinh's
new car.
@Happy Father's Day June. 19. 2005 @ NewWorld Palace..DimSam.Yum
Yum......Delicious!!!!! Melissa, Jessica, Mom & Dady..........tieu
giadinh 28 scotswood. 
@June. 12. 2005 Coming back to Toronto from Viet Nam. After
three weeks, Grandmother, Uncle Chinh, Aunt Mylinh and Aunt Myanh
return to Canada after travelling to Vietnam to attend Uncle
Chinh's wedding.
@June. 04. 2005 - An Mung Dam Cuoi Uncle Jimmy's & Aunt Hoanh's
moi su thanh cong. While the marriage is taking
place in Vietnam, those of us who are stuck in Canada are having
a celebration BBQ for the happy couple. YUM! 
@May. 29. 2005 - Uncle Jimmy's & Hoanh's new wedding photos
@ Nhatrang beach. Before they wed at last, Uncle
Jimmy and Co Hoanh stroll along one of Nha Trang's beautiful
beaches. This romantic walk on the shore will be a time none
of us will forget
@Long Weekend Victoria SunDay. May 22. 2005:QuocHung's &
TuQuynh's Wedding.
Congratulations to both of you!! We hope for you both, a prosperous
and happy life together.
loi cam on cua co dau va chu re " QuocHung & NiNa " Family Members
@Long Weekend Victoria Day Sat. May 21. 2005:
Troi hom nay hoi lanh.....sau khi an " Ta binh Lu "
o ngoai vuong va sau do vao nha thuong thuc nhac, do chi Hong
Van hat.....
chu*o*ng tri`nh May 20-June 05
........... Ve^` tho^i
La`m gi` co' tra(m na(m ma` ddo*.i
La`m gi` co' kie^'p xu*a ma` cho*`
DDa^'t Me. - DDa^'t Na`ng
Con sa'o sang so^ng tha co.ng ro*m va`ng Lo't o^? 26 na(m be^'n
cu~ Ngu*o*`i ti`nh gia` nho*' kho^ng ( Nguye^~n tro.ng Lu*-Pha.m
Duy )
Ra^'t mong , mo*`i anh chi. em va` ca'c cha'u ly ca` phe^ Sa`i
Go`n sa'ng so*'m o^`n a`o , dda^`y bu.i va` kho'i xe , cu`ng
ddie^'u thuo^'c 3 so^'
Tha^n ,
Nguye^~n va(n Le. , Toronto.    
du dinh, Ngay 7 thang 5 toi, anh se to chuc mothers' day cho
cac ba mothers (ma', ba` co cua Tuy Anh, me cua Fotios, Tuy Anh,
MyLe, Hanh (hoa), Hong, Oanh, Thuy, My Anh) va lam Shower cho
Chu Chinh luon. Dai gia dinh ho Nguyen nho den tham du vao luc
5 hay 6 PM de an BBQ.
PS. Chu Le, moi dum thim Hong.  
@BOOK DAY APR. 23. 2005  
to Calvin June 25. 2005: To be come 1st. black
belt members. 
@June. 18. 2005 - Anh Nguyen Ngoc Thanh sau
30 nam gap lai.....nay da 60. Hinh
chup sau nha cua Myanh & Hai. 
@May. 29. 2005 #1 - Le Thanh Hon cua Uncle
Jimmy's & Aunt Hoanh's tai nha Tu Duong
o NhaTrang. Congradulations Uncle
Jimmy! The Nguyen Family always hoped for
our youngest uncle to get married, and finally,
our wish came true! Good luck!
@June. 10. 2005 - Jaime and Kira's Birthday Party. While
Today, Jaime, Kira, Cassandra, Anthony, Calvin, Catherine, Jessica
and Melissa went to Chuck E. Cheese for a delicious lunch and
an afternoon filled with games and prizes!
@Congratulations to Tina: May 18. 2005: We are so happy
to hear that you have recieved a schoclorship for university.
Congratulations once again and we wish you all the best in your
qua Tina da tot nghiepbat trung hoc, Du diem duoc 2 nam College
do chinh phu tai tro, chua biet vao nghanh gi? Se hoc 2 nam College
tai dia phuong truoc roi tinh sau.....Sau khi du dam cuoi cua
Quoc Hung ve, nha truong se to chuc le ra truong ngay 26 thang
@Congratulations to Melissa & Catherine March 30-2005:
Hooray for Catherine and Melissa for recieving awards for their
academics and personal attitude. "-" Especially for
Melissa who just started school this year. Keep it up...Melissa
Melissa learns how to make mini pizzas, out of bread, tomato
sauce, mozerella and hot dogs! Watch this movie and learn how
to make your own delicious, Italian snack! DON'T MISS IT!!!

@Bac Hoa's Home During the March Break 2005:
At Uncle Hoa's house, we all ate magnificent food, took magnificent
pictures, and danced ALL NIGHT!!!
@Bac Hon's Home During the March Break 2005:
At Bac Hon's house, we all had Nem Nuong. Yum Yum......Delicious!
Bac Oanh, you make a GREAT Nem Nuong! 
@Welcome Nina to Canada 2005:
Congradulations to Quoc Hung & Nina.

2005 - Nam At Dau Tet Nguyen Dan, is the lunar New year Festival
and it is the most important Vietnamese holiday. Tet is the celebration
of the beginning of spring as well as a new year. It is the time
for family reunions, exchanging gift, best wishes and the beginning
of a new year.
@EARTH DAY APR. 22. 2005 
to Antony June. 27. 2005:
to the Nguyen Family's 2005 Valedictorian of Maryvale PS. In
september, this graduate will be going to Wexford CI. Way to
go, Antony! 
@May. 29. 2005 #2 - Le Thanh Hon cua Uncle Jimmy's & Aunt
Hoanh's tai nha Tu Duong o NhaTrang. Congradulations
Uncle Jimmy! The Nguyen Family always hoped for our youngest
uncle to get married, and finally, our wish came true! Good luck! 
@May & Jun. 2005 - NhaTrang and Saigon City After 30 years.
After 30 years of changes, Nha Trang and Saigon City has magically
evolved. Once a place full of disaster and horrors, now a home
for the peaceful and kind. Our Nguyen visitors are thrilled to
be home.
@Co My Linh's Home On the Weekend 2005:
Tisa, Catherine, Tina, Calvin, Cassandra, Anthony, Jessica, Melissa,
Michelle and the whole family went over to Co My Linh's house
in Detroit, Michigan for the weekend. What (or WHO) do you think
Uncle Chinh is thinking about? Eh? *nudge nudge* You crazy love
bird(s)!!!! ;)
@Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel 2005:
Tisa, Catherine, Tina, Calvin, Cassandra, Anthony, Jessica &
Melissa have had a great March Break. They went skating, shopping,
snowboarding (above picture), temporarily stayed in a hotel,
had fun in a deserted sauna, and just had a wild time! 
2 & MAR. 31-2005:
Ugh! It's snowing and we can't go out. The worst part about it;
it's snowing in SPRING!!!!! "Jessica and Melissa are SO
bored, so lets sneak and videotape how they are going to spend
this terrible morning.
APRIL. 9. 2005:
What a beautiful day it is. Perfect for some basketball "
Join Melissa, Catherine, Cassandra, Anthony, Jessica and Calvin
as they spend the afternoon on rollerblades, bicycles and BASKETBALL!!
Lots of laughing, yelling :) and fun!

@Bac Yen's Home During the March Break 2005:
Wow...wow...wow After our trip from Detroit, the Nguyen family
went straight to Bac Yen's house for dinner. It was a great meal,
and the kids definately had fun trying to "roll it all up!" 
@Chi Tan's Birthday 2005:
Wow...wow...wo "Happy Birthday to you........" During
the weekend, we sang this song to our little Tristan, who just
turned 5 YEARS OLD! We played games, sang songs, ate food, and
hit a PINIATA!!!!! Ariba!! 

@Snowboarding During the March Break 2005:
OUTRAGEOUS!! This is the first time Anthony, Cassandra, Jessica,
Tina, Tisa, Calvin, and Catherine snowboard! With help from Anh
Huy, they slide downhill like (almost) pros! SPECIAL RECOGNITION
TO CATHERINE, who started this sport like she has done it for
years! A natural athlete! CONGRADULATIONS!

@Tang Le Ba Ngoai cua Melissa's va Jessica's 2005:
we send sympathy to Jessica and Melissa's grandmother in Vietnam
(mother's side), who passed away on February 23rd. "We will
never forget you......"
