@May. 29. 2005 - Uncle Jimmy's & Hoanh's new
wedding photos @ Nhatrang beach. Before they wed at last, Uncle
Jimmy and Co Hoanh stroll along one of Nha Trang's
beautiful beaches. This romantic walk on the shore
will be a time none of us will forget
@May & Jun. 2005 - NhaTrang and Saigon City After
30 years.
After 30 years of changes, Nha Trang and Saigon City
has magically evolved. Once a place full of disaster
and horrors, now a home for the peaceful and kind.
Our Nguyen visitors are thrilled to be home. 
@Long Weekend Victoria SunDay. May 22. 2005:QuocHung's
& TuQuynh's Wedding.
Congratulations to both of you!! We hope for you both,
a prosperous and happy life together.

@Co My Linh's Home On the Weekend 2005:
Tisa, Catherine, Tina, Calvin, Cassandra, Anthony,
Jessica, Melissa, Michelle and the whole family went
over to Co My Linh's house in Detroit, Michigan for
the weekend. What (or WHO) do you think Uncle Chinh
is thinking about? Eh? *nudge nudge* You crazy love
bird(s)!!!! ;)